Online booking / payments only

By booking an appointment with us, you accept and agree to the Rules and conditions of use of Cookies Park for Dogs as clearly defined on the website, and you understand that as an owner you are liable for your pets behavior - we offer Public Liability cover as below but as standard this does not include Accident and Injures to animals and the other sections or if an animal is injured using any equipment.

Cookies is designed to spend one to one time with your dogs for you and a friend. Please be aware we have restrictions on numbers of dogs, vehicles and people and so read the rules carefully before choosing to book.


Please park in the waiting area if you are early and remain in your vehicle whilst the car park is vacated by the previous customer.

(If you should be more than 5 mins early please do not even pull into the car park - please remain outside of the park itself as it can be distracting for the current occupants.)

If you have walked in then please wait at the first gate- this way we do not upset any reactive dogs. Once the last user is leaving you can walk in.

Please note you may not enter until the park is vacated.

Do not let your dogs off leash in the car park.

Gates MUST be closed before allowing your dogs out of your car or off their leads. Park Gates must remain closed throughout your session.

Your session end time is the time you should be leaving the car park by and NOT the time you are leaving the field. Please respect other field users and their right to have an uninterrupted session that they have booked for themselves and their dogs.

Never leave your dogs unattended in the field, if you need to leave the field take your dogs with you.

Gather all poop in bags provided and place contents in the dog bin.

Please make sure the coded gate is closed on departure.


Terms & Conditions

By booking an appointment with us, means that you accept and agree to the Rules and conditions of use of Cookies park 4 dogs.

Rules relating to the conditions of use of Cookies Dog field.

​Please note use of the field is subject to agreement that you accept these conditions of use. Any violation of these conditions will lead to removal of the field as a facility for your use.


All prospective customers must ensure the field is suitable and secure for their specific use such as fence height, fencing materials, activities.


Please see the booking page for the latest prices.


Payment by online booking only and must be received before you use the facility.

Booking & Cancellations

Use of the field is strictly by booking only. Bookings are non transferable to other people and must contact within a minimum of 24 hours notice to move your booking if you cannot attend. When making your booking you must give honest accurate details of the number of dog(s) to be used in the booking.

Your booking time includes the time required for you to secure your dog(s) and return them to your vehicle.

Customers must ensure that they vacate the car park no later than within 5 minutes of the end time of their booking. For this reason we recommend you allow a couple of minutes to exit the field safely.

Please note we do not offer refunds, only appointments to be moved to another date within 24 hours.

Numbers of Cars, People and Dogs

Use of the field is subject to a maximum of 3 vehicles being present in the car park and field for the duration of your booking. (ie max 4 people) All individuals must agree the terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them.​ Maximum 4 dogs.

Car Parking

Customers of the field must only park their cars in the car park provided. We recommend reversing in from the road to offer easy loading/offloading. Do not arrive early as it can distract reactive dogs in the middle of their visit.

Withdrawal of Facility

Cookies park 4 dogs reserve the right to withdraw permission to use the facility at their discretion, for example on the basis of weather conditions, or where individuals have not complied with the rules or conditions of use. Subject to the reason for the withdrawal of the facility, any advanced payment may be refunded. However, Cookies shall be under no liability for any other expenses incurred or loss sustained by the client as result of the use of the facility being withdrawn at our sole discretion.

Opening Times

Opening times are on the booking availability

Entering & Exiting the Field

Once having gained access to the coded gated and closed the gate behind you the field is secure and you may release your dog(s).​

Cookies park 4 dogs accepts no liability for any damage or loss sustained whilst customers are in the car park.

Customers waiting to use the field with their booking must remain in their vehicle(s) whilst the car park is vacated by the previous customer.

Should you enter the field late within the time of your booking this will not alter the end time of your booking. You should ensure that you vacate the site on time so as not to cause any delay to anybody waiting to start their booking.​


There is water supply on site, Customers should use this to provide adequate drinking water for their dog(s) especially in the hotter weather. There are dedicated dog waste bin located on site to and customers must only use these for the disposal of dog waste.​ Customers must pick up any faeces from your dog(s) and place them in the designated bins provided. Anyone found to disregard this condition may have their permission to use the field withdrawn. ​You must not litter the field and you are responsible for disposing of your litter using the litter bin in the waiting park. ​Owners must discourage their dog(s) from digging however we recognise that this is what dogs love to do, so do not worry about filling the holes, we do however require you to let us know if there is a big one.

Health & Safety

Cookies park 4 dogs may get wet and muddy from time to time (especially in the winter months) so customers must ensure adequate and suitable footwear is worn at all times.​

You must remove all of your personal dog toys and training aids on leaving the field, being particularly vigilant to remove any broken toys or balls. Tennis balls in particular pose a serious choking risk to any dog.​


Any children under the care and/or control of the client must be supervised at all times by the client.​ The client shall not allow their children to climb on/play on the dog agility equipment. It is not designed to withstand adults, children jumping on it or climbing on it.

The Client shall not bring in to Cookies any article of an inflammable or explosive character, or that provides an offensive smell, or CFC or any civil, electrical, gas or any other apparatus without the written approval of Cookies park 4 dags .​​ The Client will not operate the release of any high flying object, without the prior written consent of Cookies park 4 dogs, the Civil Aviation Authority and the relevant airports.​

At no time should any dog(s) be tethered to any structures on site, e.g. Fencing, Posts, Gates.​ You must not climb on gates fencing or posts.​​

Dogs should not be left unattended at any time. You should accompany your dog(s) at all times such that you are aware of what they are doing and can ensure they are safe and are complying with these terms and conditions.

​​In accordance with the law regarding ‘Responsible Dog Ownership’ you are entirely responsible for yours and your dog(s) safety whilst at Cookies park 4 dogs. The current law states that you should be in control of your dog(s) at all times. This law still applies at Cookies park 4 dogs regardless of if you are alone, or a Cookies representative is present.

Cookies is a social park in the sense that, although you will not interact with other dogs. There are likely to be 'passers by' as it is on a country walkway. If you believe your dog to have a history of, or be aggressive, or highly reactive so as to cause concern to the safety of others - then they can not be allowed in the parks.

If you believe your dog can easily or wan tingly climb - then again - then they can not be allowed in the parks.

To repeat - ​​In accordance with the law regarding ‘Responsible Dog Ownership’ you are entirely responsible for yours and your dog(s) safety whilst at Cookies park 4 dogs. The current law states that you should be in control of your dog(s) at all times. This law still applies at Cookies park 4 dogs regardless of if you are alone, or a Cookies park 4 dogs representative is present.

The field is a countryside / farm-based facility and as such although maintained by Cookies park 4 dogs there may be branches and stones in the field.​ The field and fencing will be inspected daily to ensure it is healthy and secure but please notify us if you have any concerns.​

Right of Entry

Cookies park 4 dogs will be allowed access at any time onto the land to carry out inspections and only decisions made by Cookies park 4 dogs regarding safety and fitness of use, will be binding.​ Cookies park 4 dogs reserve the right to refuse permission to or evict any persons from the premises.

Code of Ethics

Owners must ensure that all dogs using the field are up to date with their dog(s) respective flea, worming, vaccination's and tick control. ​​Harsh handling of any dog(s) either verbal or physical is not allowed. All dogs must wear their collars with an up to date tag and be micro-chipped. To maintain the professional integrity of Cookies park 4 dogs dog trainers and walkers working with their clients will only be allowed by prior agreement with Cookies 4 park dogs.

If your dog(s) or any dog(s) (they) live with are showing any signs of ill health (coughing, diarrhoea, vomiting, general illness, lethargy etc) you will cancel any pending booking. This is to preserve the health of all dogs visiting the site as some may have weakened immune systems. ​All dog(s) must be on a lead when not in the secure field area, specifically they must be on a lead when in the car park on entry and exit of the field.​​

All Dog Trainers must provide a copy of their Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance prior to be granted permission to use the field facility. Similarly Dog Walkers must provide a copy of their Public Liability Insurance. Inability to provide a copy will mean that permission to use the field will be withheld. Insurances must be kept up to date and valid for the intended duration of use of the field.​


Cookies park 4 dogs have the right to cancel any booking forthwith in the event that Cookies park 4 dogs is affected by an emergency / ‘Act of God’ at any time. Cookies will refund any fees paid in these circumstances.​​

Variations to the Agreement

Cookies park 4 dogs reserve the right to vary these terms and conditions at any time. Any variations so made should be deemed to be incorporated in these conditions.​​Marketing & Publication. Cookies park 4 dogs reserve the right to use any material including texts and images provided by you to us (in any format) or via our facebook/instagram and webpage page for the purposes of marketing and promotion.​


If you require assistance for any reason on the day, please email, text or phone 24 hours prior to your visit.

Preservation of Rights​

This agreement does not create any rights over the land, and the client hiring the field accepts the landowner maintains control and possession of the dog field at all times.​​

Personal Responsibilities

Cookies park 4 dogs are not responsible and will not accept any liability for any loss, damage, injury or death how so ever and by whom so ever caused excepting that caused by the negligence or wilful misconduct of Cookies park 4 dogs or its employees, whether to property, dogs, or person(s) sustained whilst at Cookies park 4 dogs.​​


We are insured toto hire out our private fields for an XL Bully Dog on the following basis:

  1. The dog is registered with the index of exempted dog (IED) and a copy of the life certificate is obtained and provided to us in the event of a claim.

  2. A copy of the public liability insurance certificate for the dog is obtained and provided to us in the event of a claim.

  3. The dog handler ratio is 1:1 with their handler at all times

  4. The dog is Neutered – in line with Government Rules

  5. The dog is Micro Chipped

  6. The field is private property with no public access passing through

  7. The field is securely fenced and locked so the dog cannot escape

  8. The dog is kept on a lead and muzzled until the gate is shut when entering the field

  9. The dog is put back on a lead and muzzled before opening the gate to leave the field

  10. You can remove the lead and muzzle once inside the secured field

If the household has more than 1 dog, they can come to the field together, but the banned breed dog must have its own handler and then another member of the same household needs to be present to supervise the other dogs. If there is more than 1 banned breed in the household they can come together but each dog must have its own handler.


I/We agree to abide by these rules, terms and conditions, and accept that the use of these facilities are done at my own risk and mine and my dogs behavior and actions are my sole responsibility and no claim can be made against the landowner Cookies park 4 dogs.​

I/We accept that Cookies park 4 dogs will have not liable for any liability, losses, claims, actions, damages, costs, expenses or other liability incurred by the client through hiring the use of the Cookies park 4 dogs field By Booking an appointment with us, means that you accept and agree to the rules and conditions of use of Cookies park 4 dogs.